Baboo Band Baaja, directed by Rajesh Pinjani and produced by Nita Jadhav. The star cast of a film includes Milind Shinde, Mitalee Jagtap Varadkar, Vivek Chabukswar, Sanjay Kulkarni and Namrata Awate. The film tells the riveting tale of a father reluctant to educate his son, a mother who fiercely believes in its liberatory value, and the son who is caught in the crossfire.
बाबू ब्यांड बाजा (Babu Band Baja Marathi Movie)
बाबू ब्यांड बाजा मराठी मूवी २०१२
कलाकार : मिलिंद शिंदे , विवेक चाबूकस्वार, मिताली जगताप वारडकर
सादर कर्ता :
निर्देशक : राजेश पिंजानी.
कथा : शंतनू गणेश रोडे.
संगीत : रोहित नागभिडे.
Rating: ****
वेबसाइट :
प्रदर्शित दिनांक : १३.०४.२०१२
विभाग : एक्शन, ड्रामा, सामाजिक, कॉमेडी
वेशभूषा :
दिग्दर्शन :
छाया :
गाणी :
फॉर्मेट : DVD
भाषा : मराठी
सेंसर बोर्ड : उ
Information : Marathi film Babu Band Bajadirected by Rajesh Pinjani will release on April 13. The film won three National Awards and travelled widely in the festival circuit in 2011.
It won the 58th National award for Best First Film of a Director, Best Actress and Best Child Artist.
2 Comments. Leave new
Ya chitrapatachya download links ahet ka aplya kade?
good one..