सेवाग्राम आश्रम वर्धा

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Sevagram is the name of a town in the state of Maharashtra, India. It was the spot of Mohandas Gandhi’s ashram and his habitation from 1936 to his death in 1948. This land considered as the Holy Land of Bapu. Visitors comes from All over the world to visit this place. Wardha – Sevagram mainly famous for the Bapu Kutiya.


सेवाग्राम हे वर्धा जवळील वर्धा फार प्रसिद्ध स्थळ आहे. वर्धा पासून सेवाग्राम फक्त ८ कि मी अंतरावर आहे. सेवाग्राम येथे महात्मा गांधी ३० एप्रिल , १९३६ रोजी आले होते. त्या नंतरच सेवाग्राम  या गावाला प्रसिद्धी मिळाली. आज ६० पेक्षा जास्त वर्षे होवून सुधा या जागेला तोच तेज आहे जसा पूर्वी होता. या जागेवर जात्ताचा बापूंची आठवण पुन्हा येते. येथे असणारी “बापू  कुटी  आणि  बा कुटी” फार प्रसिद्ध आहे . सेवाग्राम येथे देशातूनच नव्हे तर अंतर देशीय लोक सुधा भेटीस येतात.

Adi Nivas, Sewagram Ashram ashram01 bpkuti Sevagram Ashram asharam Sevagram Ashram India Tourist Sevagram Ashram India Tourist1 Sevagram Ashram India Tourist2 Sevagram Ashram wardha pictures Sevagram Ashram Sevagram Ashram1 Sevagram_Ashram,_Wardha

Sevagram is a small village near Wardha town (8 km). its also called as the place of peace and its A village for service.  Mahatma Gandhi reached the village on the 30th April,1936 early in the morning at about 5 a.m. He remained here for about five to six days. He called the villagers and the purpose of his visit and sought their permission to settle down here. He had no intention to keep anybody with him except his wife Kasturba. However slowly pressure of work necessitated permission to more colleagues till Sevagram Ashram also became a full-fledged institution.

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