Takatak (2019) – Marathi Movie :
This movie star cast is Prathamesh Parab, Ritika Shrotri, Abhijit Amkar, Pranali Bhalerao, Bharat Ganeshpure, Pradeep Patwardhan, Anand Karekar. This Movie Directed by Milind Zumber Kavde.
- Movie: Takatak (2019)
- Producer: Ajay Thakur, Om Prakash Bhatt, Sujay Shankarwar, Ravi Bahri, Indrajeet Singh, Dhananjay Singh Masoom, Rabindra Chaubey
- Director: Milind Zumber Kavde
- Studio: Purple Blue Entertainment Pvt. Ltd, V. Patke Films, Gawvala Creations
- Star Cast: Prathamesh Parab, Ritika Shrotri, Abhijit Amkar, Pranali Bhalerao, Bharat Ganeshpure, Pradeep Patwardhan, Anand Karekar
- Music: Varun Likhate
- Editor: Pranav Patel
- Release Date: 28 June 2019
- चित्रपट: टकाटक
- निर्माते: अजय ठाकूर, ओम प्रकाश भट्ट, सुजय शंकरवार, रवि बहरी, इंद्रजीत सिंग, धनंजय सिंग मासूम, रबिन्द्र चौबे
- दिग्दर्शक: मिलिंद झुंबर कावडे
- स्टुडिओ: पर्पल ब्लू एंटरटेनमेंट प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड, व पतके फिल्म्स, गाववाला क्रीएशन्स
- कलाकार: प्रथमेश परब, रितिका श्रोत्रि, अभिजीत अमकर, प्रणाली भालेराव, भारत गणेशपुरे, प्रदीप पटवर्धन, आनंद कारेकर
- संगीत: वरून लिखाते
- संपादक: प्रणव पटेल
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक: २८ जून २०१९
Takatak Movie Poster
Takatak Trailer
16 Comments. Leave new
Great ahe hi site
Pls send me link
I want movie link….😁
Mi movie Ajun baghitla nahi please mala movie download karta yeil ashi link pathva.my google account is bhaianandjadhav1992@gmaile.com
Pranali Bhalerao is very sexy and bold marathi actress. she will rock in comming years. good luch Pranali Bhalerao.
Hot marathi movie. Ritika looks hot. she is my dream and best marathi actress. this movie also awsome. the bikini show of the movie is great to watch.
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