मराठी चित्रपट भाकारखाडी ७ किमी

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Upcoming Marathi Movie ‘Bhakarkhadi – 7Km’. After long time Renuka Shahane coming back in films with her upcoming Marathi movie ‘Bhakarkhadi – 7Km’. Producer Dr. Dinesh Vaidya and Co producer Priyanka Prashant Kamat are presenting a Marathi film ‘ Bhakarkhadi- 7 Kms’ , which is a story of a young devoted doctor and directed by Umesh Namjoshi. Highlight of the film is that renowned actress Renuka Shahane is making her acting comeback through this film. Check out the priview poster of this film.

renuka-shahane-in-bhakarkhadi 7km

मराठी चित्रपट भाकारखाडी ७ किमी. रेणुका शहाणे बरेच काळानंतर आपल्याला मराठी सिने पडद्यावर दिसणार. प्रस्तुतकर्ता आहेत डॉक्टर दिनेश वैद्य.

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