अकल्पित – एक सत्य कल्पनेपलीकडचे

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Akalpith marathi movie poster2

Akalpith is a mind twisting psychological thriller. Its been a long time since a Marathi movie of such genre is released. The movie starring Renuka Shahane, Mohan Agashe, Nirmiti Sawant is written and directed by Prasad Acharekar.

Unlike other upcoming releases, Akalpith seems to have a creative promotions done using Social Media. Its amazing since the movie teasers, trailers are not yet released though the fan base has been reached to 10000+ fans with superb engagement ratio.

It seems that Akalpith online PR team have put an different approach to win over creativity. The ‘Personality test’ contest run by Akalpith is one of its kind and seem to have quite a lot of buzz. There is a test which tells you about your personality traits. https://www.facebook.com/Akalpith/app_374238692671413

Looking at the content shared on Facebook, it depicts that movie will be content driven and will have a strong theme & substance.

Akalpith is setting up a trend of creative Social Media promotions in Marathi movie industry.

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