‘Gadad Jambhal’ is directed by Sandeep Naware and produced by Ankit Magare & Vijay Barase. The star cast of movie includes Sayaji Shinde, Milind Shinde, Santosh Juvekar, Hemangi Kavi and Kavita Magare-Malla. The film shows a tribal community whose lives are darkened by the shadows of superstitions. The story revolves around the lives of the wicked chieftain Narsu (leader of clan), the orphan Aamsha, a simple tribal boy and his lady love Bhangi. It also emphasizes the miserable condition of village inhabitants who are victims of superstitions forced on them by Narsu.
आगामी मराठी चित्रपट ’गडद जांभळ’
चित्रपट : गडद जांभळ ( Gadad Jambhal )
प्रस्तुतकर्ता : अंकित मगरे आणि विजय बरसे
दिग्दर्शित : संदीप नवरे
कलाकार : सयाजी शिंदे, मिलिंद शिंदे, संतोष जुवेकर, हेमांगी कवी, कविता मगरे-मला
कथा : संदीप नवरे
प्रदर्शित : २०१३.
Read: The upcoming Marathi Movie Gadad Jambhal, Get details of this movie and story starcast, songs information about this movie available here. movie directed by sandip naware. Upcoming Marathi Movie Gadad Jambhal.