रामात रावन मराठी चित्रपट

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This movie is about a common man called Raghav, who is from middle class family. His childhood gets spoiled because of his mother,his young age by a girlfriend and carrier also gets destroyed by another girl. After all these 4th girl comes in his life who attacks on his character. After facing all those things one by one, he turned into Ravan from Ram & then starts the series of murder.

upcming marathi movie

रामात रावन मराठी चित्रपट
दिदर्शक : कैलाश किनी
कथा : कैलाश किनी
कलाकार : कैलाश किनी , हर्शाली झीने , कमलेश सावंत , गजेन्द्र चौहान , अजय वदव्कर , शःसिकांत गंदे , फाल्गुनी
गाणी : कैलाश किनी

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