Matter, directed by Satish Motling and written by Aatmaram Dharne under the production of Poonam Shende. The star cast of the film includes Jitendra Joshi, Santosh Juvekar, Sushant Shellar, Rajesh Shringarpore and Sameer Dharmadhikari playing lead roles. Other artistes like Usha Nadkarni, Minal Ghorpade, Surekha Kudachi, Megha Dhade and Yogini Chouk are also part of the film.
Matter marathi film (२०१२)म्याटर मराठी फिल्म पी आर & इनफिल्म ब्रानदिंग
Matter marathi film (२०१२)
कलाकार : इतेंद्र जोशी, संतोष जुएकर, सुशांत शेलार, राजेश श्रीन्गार्पोरे, समीर धर्माधिकारी, उषा नाडकर्णी, मीनल घोरपडे, सुरेखा कुडची, योगिनी चौक, मेघा धडे
सादर कर्ता : पी आर & इनफिल्म ब्रानदिंग
निर्देशक : सतीश मोटलिंग
कथा : पूनम शेंडे
संगीत : अभिजित रमेशराव काव्थालकर
Rating: ****
वेबसाइट :
प्रदर्शित दिनांक : २ मार्च २०१२
विभाग : एक्शन, संगीत, क्राइम, ड्रामा
फॉर्मेट : DVD
भाषा : मराठी
सेंसर बोर्ड : उ
13 Comments. Leave new
when it will be available…????????
this is fake site,,,,,,,,,,, tell me any one movie that i can download from this site,,,,,,,,,,,,,
लोकांना बनवायचं बंद करा
how to download movie plz tell…………..hurry!!!!
please can anyone tell me how to download this movie..download hot nahit.
nice movie…but how to download it…
@suryanka … it is yet to available for free download. we are under process to make it available to download.
this is very good movie.
@ marathi unlimited… plz activate the links..
Where are the links?
hiiiiiii , i am amar now in singapore , and would like to see matter but here in singapore can’t see . anybody can tell how to watch online or download this movie pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This is one of the best Marathi action movie i ever seen. the action and picture of this movie is ultimate. i really like this movie.
i like this movie ..super…must watch movie….great action ..i verse seen such a great marathi action movie.
I Like the Cast & Songs of Matter Movie. Santosh,Sushant,Jitu & Rajesh.
nice 1