Circuitt Marathi Movie(2023)
A young wife hopes to convince her husband to change his short-tempered attitude toward life, but an incident on a remote highway may finally decide the matter.
- Producer: Madhur Bhandarkar
- Director:Aakash Anand Pendharkar
- Star Cast:Hruta Durgule,Vaibhav Tatwawadi,Ramesh Pardeshi
- Release date : 7 Apr 2023
- चित्रपट : सार्कचीत
- निर्माते : मधुर भांडारकर
- दिग्दर्शक : आकाश आनंद पेंढारकर
- कलाकार : ऋता दुर्गुळे ,वैभव तत्ववादी ,रमेश परदेशी
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक : ७ एप्रिल २०२३