Goshta Eka Paithanichi Marathi Movie(2022)
Goshta Eka Paithanichi revolves around Indrayani who stitches the sari to earn and support her husband Sujeet who is a florist. In a strange situation, she has to find an exotic, costly `Paithani` to protect her self-respect and reputation. She leaves no stone unturned.
- Producer: Akshay Bardapurkar
- Director: Shantanu Rode
- Star Cast: Sayali Sanjeev, Suvrat Joshi, Aarav Shetye, Nidhi Racine,Prajakta Hanamghar
- Release date : 2 December 2022
- चित्रपट: गोष्ट एका पैठणीची
- निर्माते: अक्षय बर्दापूरकर
- दिग्दर्शक :शंतनू रोडे
- कलाकार : सायली संजीव , सुव्रत जोशी , आरव शेट्ये , निधी रसाने ,प्राजक्ता हनमघर
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक: २ डिसेंबर २०२२