Ananya Marathi Movie (2022)
The Story revolving around the life of a kind and sweet girl living with her family and her life get into trouble after an incident- but she overcomes the odds and difficulties with her will and fate, leading to consequences.
- Producer: Sanjay Chhabria, Dhruv Das, Ravi Jadhav
- Director: Pratap Phad
- Star Cast: Amey Wagh, Hruta Durgule, Chetan Chitnis,Yogesh Soman,Suvrat Joshi,Rucha Apte,Renuka Daftardar
- Release date: Releases 22 Jul 2022 (India)
- चित्रपट:अनन्या
- निर्माते:संजय छाब्रिया ,ध्रुव दास ,रवी जाधव
- दिग्दर्शक : प्रताप फड
- कलाकार : अमेय वाघ ,ऋता दुर्गुळे,वैभव मांगले,भालचंद्र कदम,मनमीत पेम
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक: २९ जुलै २०२२