Ye Re Ye Re Pawsa Marathi Movie (2022)
The village of Islampura hasn`t seen rain in five years and water has never been so scarce in its lifetime. Paucity of water and its disappearing trend caused a serious concern in the village. While the village is at the brink of another social outbreak, the kids outshine all the elders by their efforts and bring the gift of life back.
- Producer:Shariq Khan
- Director:Shafaq Khan
- Star Cast: Vinayak Potdar,Aarya Adhav,Chhaya Kadam,Sandesh Jadhav,Milind Shinde,Pradeep Navale,Chinmayee Salvi,Prajkta Wadye,Pradnya Gopale,Vaibhav Jeughale-Patil
- Release date : Releases 17 Jun 2022 (India)
- चित्रपट: ये रे ये रे पावसा
- निर्माते: शारिक खान
- दिग्दर्शक :शफिक खान
- कलाकार :विनायक पोतदार ,आर्य आढाव ,छाया कदम ,संदेश जाधव ,मिलिंद शिंदे ,प्रदीप नवले ,चिन्मयी साळवी ,प्राजक्ता वाद्ये प्रज्ञा गोपाळे ,विभाव जेऊघाले -पाटील
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक: १७ जून २०२२