Sarsenapati Hambirrao Marathi Movie (2022)
Based on the Maratha warrior Hansaji Mohite who was later given the title of Sarnobat Hambirrao, the film portrays his life as the Commander in Chief of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s army.
- Producer: Dharmendra Bora,Saujanya Nikam
- Director: Pravin Tarde
- Star Cast: Pravin Tarde,Shruti Marathe,Raqesh Bapat,Gashmeer Mahajani,Amit Jadhav
- Release date : Releases 27 May 2022 (India)
- चित्रपट: सरसेनापती हंबीरराव २०२२
- निर्माते: धर्मेंद्र बोरा ,सौजन्य निकम
- दिग्दर्शक : प्रवीण तरडे
- कलाकार : प्रवीण तरडे ,श्रुती मराठे ,रुपेश बापट ,गष्मीर महाजनी ,अमित जाधव
- प्रदर्शन दिनांक: २७ मे २०२२
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