Pravin Vitthal Tarde Marathi Actor :
Pravin Tarde is Marathi Actor, Director, Producer, Scriptwriter.
- Name Pravin Vitthal Tarde| प्रवीण विठ्ठल तरडे
- City/Hometown: Jared Village, Musashi, Pune Maharashtra Satara
- Birth Date: 11 November 1974 Age: 46 years
- Education :
- School: Bharti Vidyapeeth Shankar Rao more Vidyalaya Class of 1990
- College/ University: Yashvantrao Mohite Vidyapith (1996), Pune University, ILS Law College (11 Jul 1999 to 11 Apr 2002)
Pravin Vitthal Tarde Filmography :
Movies As Actor:
- Stand by(2011),Fandry (2013),Deool band (2015),Sarsenapati Hambirrao Mohite (2020)