Mumbai, 9th July’15: Legendary Marathi actor Mahesh Manjrekar today launched the much awaited theatrical trailer of Mohan Joshi starrer ‘Deool Band’. Produced by Mrs. Jayashree Kailash Wani and Julie Kailash Wani of Vatvruksha Entertainment, the film marks the directorial debut of Pravin Tarade and Pranit Kulkarni. Starring Mohan Joshi as Swami Samarth, the film also stars Gashmeer Mahajani, Nivedita Saraf, Girija Joshi. Based on Swami’s philosophies, the film deals with Science v/s Spirituality and beyond Science and is slated to hit the silver screen on 31st July. Mahesh Manjrekar unveils the much awaited Theatrical trailer of Mohan Joshi starrer “Deool Band”