‘Maat’ is directed by Manohar Sarvanar, written by Tejaswini Pandit and produced by Manali (Sudha) Sawnat. The star cast of movie includes Isha Koppikar, Samir Dharmadhikari and Tejashree Valavalkar.The film which is a social drama, depicts the life of a happy-go-lucky couple, specifically showcasing the problems faced by the modern career oriented woman.
चित्रपट : मात
दिग्दर्शक : मनोहर सर्वणार
प्रस्तुतकर्ता : मनाली ( सुधा ) सावनात
कलाकार : ईशा कोपीकर, समीर धर्माधिकारी, तेजश्री वलावलकर
कथा : तेजस्विनी पंडित
संगीत : डॉ. सलील कुलकर्णी
पटकथा व संवाद : संभाजी सावंत
गीतकार : संदीप खरे
छायाचित्रण : निर्मल जानी
विभाग : ड्रामा
प्रदर्शित : २७ डिसेंबर २०१३
Movie : Maat
Directed By : Manohar Sarvanar
Produced By : Manali ( Sudha ) Sawnat
StarCast : Esha Kopikar, Samir Dharmadhikari, Tejashree Valavalkar
Written By : Tejaswini Pandit
Music : Dr. Salil Kulkarni
Screenplay By : Sambhaji Sawant
Lyrics : Sandip Khare
Cinematographer : Nirmal Jani
Genre : Drama
Released Date : 27th December,2013
Upcoming New Marathi Movie “Maat” 2013 , ‘Khallas’ fame Ishaa Koppikar will be making her debut as an Actress in forthcoming Marathi film ‘Maat’ directed by Manohar Sarvankar, Sameer Dharmadhikari plays her husband in this film