Premacha Jholjhal, directed by Manoj Kotian and produced by Sidhanth Pilania and Seema Upadhyay. The star cast of the film includes Siddharth Jadhav, Vijay Patkar, Navin Prabhakar, Smita Goondkar, Tejaswi Patil and Priya Berde. Sidharth is palaying Love guru’s character in this film. “Paichan kon” fame Navin prabhakar is playing a role in this film , He is in in love with a girl and Siddharth Jadhav is his love guru.
आगामी मराठी चित्रपट ’प्रेमाचा झोलझाल’
चित्रपट : प्रेमाचा झोलझाल
प्रस्तुतकर्ता : सिधंथ फिलनिअ, सीमा उपाध्याय
दिग्दर्शित : मनोज खोतिअन
कलाकार : सिद्धार्थ जाधव, विजय पाटकर, नवीन प्रभाकर, स्मिता गुण्डकर, तेजस्वी पाटील, प्रिया बेर्डे.
कथा : हेमंत एदलाबादकर
संगीत : अमित राज
प्रदर्शित :२५ ऑक्टोबर २०१३Read: Upcoming Marathi movie Premachaa JholJhaal, Starcast, story line and Movie date of this movie. this movie directed by Manoj Khatian. Upcoming Marathi movie Premachaa JholJhaal.