Shrimant Damodar Pant is marathi movie produced by Saurabh Pradhan and directed by Kedar Shinde. Bharat Jadhav is the main lead of the movie. Marathi Unlimited is the ultimate source for Marathi movie information, get full information of Marathi movie only on Marathi unlimited.
- Produced By : Saurabh Pradhan
- प्रस्तुतकर्ता : सौरभ प्रधान
- Directed By : Kedar Shinde
- दिग्दर्शन : केदार शिंदे
- Star Cast : Bharat Jadhav, Alka Kubal, Vijay Chauhan, Mrunal Dusnis, Sunil Barve, Chaitrali Gupte, Piyush Ranade, Abhiney Sawant
- कलाकार: भारत जाधव, अलका कुबल , वजय चौहान , मृणाल दास्णीस , सुनिल बरवे, चैत्राली गुप्ते , पियुष रानडे, अभिषेक सावंत
- Music Director : Vaishali Samant
- संगीत दिग्दर्शन : वैशाली सामंत
- Release Date : 26 July 2013
- दिनांक : २ ६ जुलै २ ० १ ३
Shrimant Damodar Pant Marathi Movie Video: