Govinda is a marathi movie release under the banner of Vrundavan Films. Swapnil Joshi is the lead hero of this marathi movie. This movie is directed by Atmaram Dharne and produced by Vilas Waghmode. Story of the movie is written by Vilas Waghmode. It’s a Romantic Comedy movie.
- Produced By : Vilas Waghmode
- प्रस्तुतकर्ता: विलास वाघमोडे
- Directed By : Atmaram Dharne
- दिग्दर्शन: आत्माराम धरणे
- Written By : Vilas Waghmode
- लेखन : Vilas Waghmode
- Star Cast : Swapnil Joshi,Girija Joshi, Arun Nalawade, Uday Tikekar and Vidyadhar Joshi
- कलावंत स्वप्नील जोशी , गिरीजा जशी अरुण नलावडे , उदय टिकेकर अंड विद्याधर जोशी
- Screenplay By: Arvind Jagtap
- पटकथा : अरविंद जगताप
- Music: Rohan Pradhan
- संगीत: रोहन प्रधान
- Studio : Vrundavan Films
- छायाचित्रकार : वृंदावन फिल्म्स
- Genre : Romantic Comedy
- प्रकार, शैली कादंबरी : प्रणयरम्य विनोदी
- Release Date : August 2013
- दिनांक : ऑगस्ट २ ० १ ३
Govinda (2013) Marathi Movie video: