एका वरचढ एक मराठी चित्रपट

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It is a story of three friends belongs to middle class family, but they all are very enjoy full. There family members are very upsets about this.They all are spending lots of the money for his enjoyment. That’s why they all are facing the problems. After this their wife’s decides to find the job and solve the problem. All neighbor are taunting on her husband. After that her Husbands watch on their wife’s from where they are earning the money.

एका वरचढ एक मराठी चित्रपट

कलाकार: मलिंड गवली, विजया चावन , तन्वी काले , मंगेश देसाई , गौरी कदम , चेतन दलवी, कुशाल बद्रिके , उज्वला गायकवाड
प्रस्तुति : चिराग पब्लिसिटी
दिग्दर्शन : रजेश पटोले
कथा  : उमेश खिलारी
संगीत: मनोज टिकरिया

“EKA VARCHAD EK Marathi Movie”
Star Cast : Milind Gawali,Vijaya Chavan, Tanvi Kale, Mangesh Desai, Gauri Kadam, Chetan Dalvi, Kushal Badrike, Ujwala Gaikwad
Producer : chirag publicity
Director : rajesh patole
Story : umesh khilari
lyrics : deepak gaikwad
Music : manoj tikariya

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