Anant Dharmadhikar, a former basketball player and current coach in his late thirties finds it hard to balance his professional and personal life. His ego and illusive approach as a successful coach distresses him, resulting in him losing his confidence, becoming lonely and rediscovering himself. Ajinkya’s breathtaking journey of finding the true meaning of victory shown in this movie.अजिंक्य मराठी चित्रपट (Ajinkya Marathi Movie)नयालाखा आर्ट्स आणि मिडिया
एस के प्रस्तुती
दिगदर्शक: तेजस विजय देवोस्कर
प्रस्तुत करता: निलेश नयालाखा, संदीप केलवानी
कथा : तेजस विजय देवोस्कर