४ ईडीअट (२०१२)

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‘4 Idiots’ is the story of four guys Bunty, Kyyum, Nagesh and Kashi. These guys have only seen failure in their life. To support their livelihood they do something. Bunty is a Pick pocketer, Kayyum is a Bucher, Nagesh is a Driver while Kashi is a salesman. All four are moral supports for each other. Fed up of battling with so many problems in life, Bunty comes up with an idea which can actually take care of everything in their life and bring back their life to stability.

४  ईडीअट  (२०१२)
प्रस्तुतकर्ता : मयुरेश  फिल्म्स , गुरु  आनंद , अनंत  वालीलकर
कथा : मिलिंद  अरुण  कवडे
दायलोग : प्रकाश  भागवत
संगीत : मयुरेश  पाई
कॅमेरा : राजा  फडतरे
कलाकार : भारत  जाधव , सिद्धार्थ  जाधव , गुरु  आनंद , स्वप्नील  जोशी.

4 IDIOTS (2012) Movie Preview

Banner: Madhu Entertainment Media Pvt. Ltd.,
Producer: Mayuresh Films and Entertainment, Guru Anand, Anant Walilkar
Story, Director: Milind Arun Kavade
Dialogues: Prakash Bhagwat
Music: Mayuresh Pai
Camera: Raja Phadtare
Cast: Bharat Jadhav, Siddharth Jadhav, Guru Anand, Swapnil Joshi

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