Gandha, directed by Sachin Kundalkar and produced by Ranjit Gugle under the banner FlashbulbsVentures. The film blends three independent stories where the main characters of all stories go through experiences involving their sense of smell. The stories are written by Kundalkar and his mother Archana Kundalkar. The film stars Girish Kulkarni and Amruta Subhash in the first story, Milind Soman and Sonali Kulkarni in the second story and Neena Kulkarni in the third story as leadactors.
गंध मराठी मूवीकास्ट :
Amruta Subhash अमृता सुभाष
Jyoti Subhash ज्योती सुभाष
Sonali Kulkarni सोनाली कुलकर्णी
Milind Soman मिलिंद सोमण
Neena Kulkarni नीना कुलकर्णी
Yatin Karyekar यतीन कार्येकर
Girish Kulkarni गिरीश कुलकर्णी
Chandrakant Kale चंद्रकात काळे
Mihir Mahajani मिहीर महाजनी
Prem Sakhardande प्रेम साखरदांडे
Vidula Javalgikar विदुला जवळगिकर
Anila Date अनिता दाते
Seema Deshmukh सीमा देशमुख
Leena Bhagwat लीना भागवत
दीरेक्टर : सचिन कुंडलकर
विभाग : कॉमेडी /रोमांस फॉर्मेट : DVD भाषा : मराठी सेंसर बोर्ड : U