“दशहरा सन” कही भगत नवरात्री सुद्दा म्हटल जाते. याच दिवशी श्री राम यांनी लंकेचा रवनाचा वध केला होता. हा दिवस चांगले पानाचा पापवर विजय म्हणून साजरा केला जातो. लोक या दिवशी घर सजवातात. पताका लावतात.
Dusshrea also called as Navaratri, is a festival of 9 days. According to the great Hindu epic Ramayan, Dussehra or Dussara is the day on which Lord Ram killed Ravan, the evil king of Lanka. It is considered as a shubh-muharat – a very auspicious day – to start a new venture.It symbolizes the victory of good over evil. People decorate the entrances of their homes with torans, marigold flower studded strings, and worship the tools of trade, vehicles, machinery, weapons and books.
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nice one